It is that time again! Some of you will be or are already heading home for the Christmas-New Years holiday. This is the busiest time to travel no matter what your mode. If you are in the process of traveling maybe some of this will help, if you are getting ready to travel take this to heart. These are things to think about as you travel that will make your, and other peoples voyage smoother.
5. Be nice to the TSA people (they are just doing their job) - This time of year you hear a lot of bad things about the people who work security for airports, train stations, etc. I know well the effect that a bad security person can have on your trip (usually because it is the beginning or end of the trip). My advice to you is be as helpful as you can. Remove your shoes, any metal objects, let them know if you have medical prosthesis or other things that make you not the average Joe/Jane passenger. Give them a little slack, they deal with hundreds or thousands of people who are stressed just because they are traveling, and some who procrastinated because they thought they could cruise through the security line. I am not saying that you should do something unreasonable, but if it is just removing your jacket or being wanded, don't hassle them. If it is an unreasonable request politely ask for their supervisor, as is your right anywhere.
4. Have what you will need at the ready- Basic common sense tells me that if I am flying that I should have a picture ID ready to show the ticketing agent, security, and the lady that boards us on the plane. You will also want to have your ticket, boarding pass, or proof that you belong on the bus/train/plane/parking garage/etc. But I can tell you that I have had to wait for people who were shocked that the complete stranger behind the counter had no idea who they were. Grocery store (if you use a check to pay fill it out in line before you get to the register) rules apply in these travel situations. If you know you need to take off your jacket, keys, and shoes perhaps waiting until the last minute isn't the best plan for everyone.
3. Other people, be courteous- It seems like courtesy gets tossed out of the window when traveling in general, and during the holidays particularly. Remember the reason that you are traveling is that your holiday of choice has a message (treat everyone like you want to be treated) so how about walking the talk. Here is an idea, if you see an elderly person waiting in the taxi line having trouble ask if they need assistance ( and if you are not in a huge hurry let them get the cab before you), driving on a family car trip can be stressful try to be courteous and not drive aggressively or be a Griswold (see National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation), see a struggling mom with a few kids, offer to take something off her hands, or let her in front of you in line so that she can get the kids out of everyone's way. It is just a human thing to do.
2. Fill your tank before you go (check your fluids, fill your tires, get an oil change, make sure you have an emergency kit for the car and wheelchair). Just think ahead about what might go wrong on your trip, and have a plan. Don't freak out about it, or let it ruin your vacation. If you use a walker or wheelchair research the repair places where you are going. Do you have a baby or toddler look up the places that may have stuff the kids may need. Print it out and put it with your travel documents. Be proactive not reactive, if you don't use it there was no problem, it didn't hurt having it.
1. Relax - if you have followed this blog you know that our motto is plan it to death, then enjoy yourself. Bring a book, e-reader, or portable video game. This is suppose to be fun, AND you paid for this experience.
Happy Holidays from me to you! Safe Journeys wherever your trip is taking you.
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